At birth we are whole, entirely ourselves
But before long we are required to repress the so-called negative aspects of who we are, our fear, our anger, our insecurities
The further we move away from our actual selves in that effort to please, the more exhausted we become and the harder it is to find either fulfilment or contentment
Coaching can be used to rediscover and accept who we actually are, determine what we most want and in doing so, find a way to flourish
Coaching is...
A safe space, a relationship in which you are always carefully and thoughtfully listened to without judgement or pre-conception. It is an assumption that everyone inherently knows what is best for them. It is a journey into a deepening relationship with yourself and an unleashing of all your potential. It is an honest and open partnership with someone who holds your personal agenda as the highest priority.
Coaching isn't...
A prescription for life, a set of instructions or someone telling you what to do. A coach is not there to fix you or to help you prolong stories about your past. Coaching is not mentoring, counselling or therapy, although these can be used alongside coaching. There is no need to have anything wrong with you in order to reap the benefits.
Zoë Boston
My experience has shown me that within the security and space created by a committed coach, dramatic and lasting change is possible and available to everyone. Whether you are already brilliant, or burning to be brilliant there is always room for expansion. I am continuously updating and enhancing my skills and tools in order to create the most fulfilling, all encompassing experience for my clients.